Blog - September 2019

  • Working in the Public Sector

    Posted on Saturday, September 28, 2019 by Sarah ArnoldNo comments

    Over 6 million people work in the sector; schools, councils and emergency services are the most widely known. The NHS is the largest employer with 1.4m employees. But, there are also unique bodies set up for specific needs such as environment agencies. There’s a wide range of public sector roles available; not just the traditional roles that we naturally think of such as teachers, police and ...

  • How to ask your boss for flexible hours…

    Posted on Tuesday, September 17, 2019 by Sarah ArnoldNo comments

    A few weeks ago, one of our members asked for some advice on how to ask her boss for flexible hours. As a full-time worker, she felt like she was missing out on her children growing up, especially when it came to attending special events at their school. Sadly, there is no one size fits all answer, but we opened the question out to the LinkedIn community and got some great responses. We’ve ...